Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Faculty of Transport Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
Department of Transport Technology and Economics
3–5. June 2015, Budapest
The fourth edition of the conference will include all transportation modes (urban, road, rail, air, water and logistics) and will focus on issues of ITS development methods and traffic management aspects. As before in Rome (2009), Leuven (2011) and Dresden (2013) the conference aims to bring together experts from science, industry and the public sector. Keeping the friendly and informal atmosphere of the conference, that was found in the first editions, is our main concern.
Establishing traffic management systems requires the availability of suitable and advanced technologies for traffic state detection and control. The intelligence comes from the models using highly-developed algorithms and big amount of provided data. Papers submitted to the conference should deal with one of these areas, or describe the way how models and technologies are integrated in an intelligent transportation system.
Locations of MT-ITS conferences: